不登校はまちがいなく正しい!: カナダのホームスクーリングから僕が学んだこと eBook : 村上 吉文: 本

Born in 1967. International Christian University.
Adventurer and consultant for Japanese language education.
He is the author of "The Adventurer's Method," "Shigoto no Nihongo: IT Business Edition," "The Next Generation Teacher's Smart Cutting Techniques" in Monthly Japanese, and "Japanese Language Teachers' Digital Application Techniques" in Japanese Language Education Journal.
He is the administrator of the personal blog "Muralog: Japanese Language Teachers' Work Techniques.
He has lived in Canada, Mongolia, Egypt, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and Hungary.
Through his own experience of learning foreign languages and many interviews with "adventurers" who mastered Japanese without attending school in remote areas, he advocates a learning method called the "Adventurer's Method.
He is currently a Senior Specialist at the Japan Foundation, New Delhi since 2020.
He is the father of two homeschoolers.